Where to buy saffron in Dubai?


Saffron is an iconic spice sold both online and in physical stores, so it is wise to become aware of all of its varieties so as to avoid being misled. Check out the Best info about saffron price per gram.

Saffron is an exquisite spice known for its vibrant hue and subtle flavors, used as an ingredient in many cuisines, from desserts and drinks to main courses worldwide. Iran provides ideal growing conditions for this expensive crop and produces some of the highest-grade saffron available on the market today.

Dubai Spice Souk

The Dubai Spice Souk is an iconic market offering exotic products. Conveniently located in the Al Ras district in Deira and easily reachable via public transport (metro to Al Ras and boat ride to Souk), its popularity among foodies makes it worth their while, with everything from spices and herbs to dried flowers for sale – not forgetting world-famous saffron produced from red stigmas of Crocus Sativus flower being featured prominently among other products in this market. Also referred to as Lachha or Sargol

The price of Saffron in Dubai depends on various factors, including its quality and origin. A kilogram of saffron costs up to Dh8,000 in the UAE; therefore, it is vitally important that it comes from a reliable source so you can be sure of its quality; many sellers sell low-grade varieties, so it is wise to be extra vigilant.

Saffron can be used in many different applications, from making saffron rice or garnishing dishes through beverages to adding color to food and even drinks. As a natural colorant and medicine-rich spice containing numerous antioxidants beneficial to health, it has long been an integral component of Middle Eastern dishes.

Iran is one of the leading producers and exporters of saffron worldwide, accounting for up to 90% of the total global supply. Qaen produces some of the finest quality saffron available, distinguished by deep purple threads and delicate flavor; this variety is often chosen as the favorite choice by chefs and food enthusiasts in UAE.

Lulu Hypermarkets

Saffron is an expensive spice known for adding vibrant red color and distinctive flavor to dishes. It is also used as medicine to treat diabetes, cancer, and dementia. Buyers in Dubai can purchase it at several outlets like Dubai Spice Souk and Lulu Hypermarkets – but be wary as there may be counterfeit versions on the market that look similar! To test whether saffron is genuine, you can drop some sticks into water to see if its color turns crimson – real saffron should remain vibrant, while fake varieties will quickly discolor as soon as fakes sink to the bottom of a glass!

Iran is considered to be the world’s leading producer of high-grade saffron, taking up 150 flowers per kilogram to produce just one kg of it, making it very expensive indeed. Prices in Dubai depend on both type and place of harvesting; Qaen in Iran is recognized for producing premium quality and most costly varieties.

Dubai offers various stores where saffron can be purchased, such as the Dubai Spice Souk, Lulu Hypermarkets, and Carrefour supermarkets. Each provides an assortment of imported brands as well as local varieties; there are also online saffron shops, with some offering home delivery services.

Emirates Bio Farm, a popular provider of organic saffron in Dubai and internationally, uses sustainable and ecological farming methods when growing and selling organic saffron. They sell it across multiple locations within Dubai, and they have international shipping options.

Zaran Saffron

buy saffron in uae

If you’re searching for saffron in Dubai, the Spice Souk in Deira offers several great options. Experienced vendors here can assist in selecting the ideal variety; in addition to selling this precious spice, they also carry other Middle Eastern and Indian cuisine spices, such as turmeric and sultana, that are often seen used for Middle Eastern and Indian dishes. However, it should be noted that not all saffron sold here is of high quality; most expensive varieties tend to come from Iran due to their unique color and taste characteristics. The best way to buy saffron in uae.

Zaran Saffron is another family-run business owned by Mostafa Ouraie and Sina Ouraie that offers authentic specialty foods and botanical herbs at competitive prices. They have won multiple awards for their products, earning a stellar reputation among customers for providing premium saffron at reasonable rates.

Saffron is an exquisite and costly spice, so when purchasing it, you must ensure you’re buying authentic saffron. Fake saffron can easily be identified by dropping a few strands into the water; any artificial varieties will quickly turn crimson and sink to the bottom, while authentic versions will float to the surface of the glass.

Saffron is produced from the purple flowers of the Crocus sativus plant, and its six beautiful petals protect three red stigmas. Once harvested and processed into powder form, it’s then dried and packaged up, ready to sell in grocery stores and online retailers alike – not forgetting its use both medicinally and for culinary creations in traditional Persian cuisine!

Emirates Bio Farm

Emirates Bio Farm (EBF) in Dubai offers high-quality organic saffron at great value, available for sale in several local supermarkets and home delivery. Furthermore, EBF hosts events designed to educate its community on sustainable agriculture and healthier eating – Yazen Al Kodmani from EBF recently spoke about this subject at the AUS Sustainability Speaker Series event.

Saffron is a spice made from the stigmas of Crocus Sativus flowers and used to color food and drinks while adding flavor and aroma. Saffron has long been used in beauty treatments as well as culinary applications and was even believed by Alexander the Great to heal wounds! Cleopatra used it in her bathtub in order to enhance her complexion; Alexander thought it could help him heal them, too!

Dubai offers many locations where one can purchase saffron, including the Dubai Spice Souk and Lulu Hypermarkets. There are also online stores selling this expensive spice; however, for optimal results, it must come from reputable suppliers with labels clearly displaying which type and price of saffron you are purchasing.

Saffron tends to become increasingly expensive as quality increases. Super Negin saffron, the highest grade available, costs over one kilogram; however, there are options suitable for every budget available in various varieties of saffron.

Iran is one of the leading producers of saffron worldwide, accounting for 90% of global supply. Thanks to its unique climate conditions and traditional farming techniques, Iranian saffron boasts unparalleled quality that has long been revered across cultures. Furthermore, due to its proximity to Dubai, large volumes can be sold there at market-driven prices.


Saffron is an exquisite spice that adds unique color and flavor to many dishes. It is known for its medicinal benefits and treatment of various disorders. When choosing a supplier, they must provide authentic products; fake or poor-quality ones could cost more in the long run; certification and packaging checks will allow you to confirm whether what you purchase is genuine saffron.

Saffron in Dubai can be purchased both in stores and online; its cost varies based on quality and type. Qayen saffron, for instance, is considered of superior quality and may cost as much as $1400 per kilogram compared with Sargol, Pushal, or Dasteh varieties.

Saffron prices in Dubai can also be determined by the amount of labor involved in its cultivation. Crocus sativus is a tough plant to cultivate as it needs the appropriate environment and temperatures in order to produce high-grade saffron threads; moreover, it only grows in select locations and only has three lines per flower, making harvesting and transport costly.

Iran is widely considered to be the global center for saffron production, boasting high-grade varieties due to the unique climate conditions and traditional agricultural techniques used to cultivate it. Chefs and cooking enthusiasts in Dubai often select Iranian saffron due to its deep purple threads and delicate flavor – all hallmarks of high-quality produce!

Saffron has long been esteemed for both its beauty and flavor. Today, it remains the world’s most expensive spice, surpassing even black pepper, truffles, and caviar in terms of price. Saffron can also be easily added to many foods and beverages, such as tea; its decorative qualities also lend themselves well to dessert decoration.

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